Friday 26 April 2013

Duart Bay

We decided to leave the car at home for the day and explore the area around the cottage; Kilpatrick and Duart Bay. After wandering down the road and to the shore of the bay our one-man bag hide quickly became a one-man-one-woman tent as we sheltered from yet more showers.
We squelched back to the house and had a look around the fields next to the cottage. Lots of Skylarks and warblers in the fields, Buzzards overhead (to the optimistic eye these always look like eagles initially).
After lunch a long trek along much of the bay to the west, seeing Gannets, Oystercatchers, Rock Pipits and a lone Redshank. The male Hen Harrier was seen further inland patrolling the grasses while by the shore was a small group of Mountain Hares, although given their habitat they would have been better called Marine Hares.
Finally, how is it that even in the middle of the sea birds still find things to hide behind when you try to photograph them (ie one lone rock the Gannet kept diving behind).

Barn Swallow


Mountain Hare

Oystercatcher party

Boat heading up Sound of Mull

Male Hen Harrier

Red-breasted Mergansers


Mountain Hare

Mountain Hare


Ferry heading up Sound of Mull

Rainbow over Duart Castle and Bay

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